Industrial Supplies

Please Click on the Catalogue you would like to view

Goliath Threading Tools

Manufactures of the largest standard range of Quality High Speed Steel and High Speed Steel Cobalt Taps & Dies in Australia.


Industrial grade Cutting tools, Threading tools, Engineering tools, Precision tools, Measuring tools, Machine Tools & Power Tool accessories

Finer Power Transmissions

For All your Chain, Sprockets, Pulleys and Belt Needs

Flexovit Abrasives

Saint-Gobain Abrasives prides itself on serving all sectors of the market

Welding Consumables

Hi-Tensile carries a range of welding consumables to suit MIG,TIG,ARC and Gas Applications


Chemtools® has been supplying high quality engineering products, industrial supplies and chemicals to a wide variety of industries at competitive prices for over 20 years

Tyhoon Tools

Typhoon Tools really is the perfect balance of quality, price, reliability of supply and outstanding visual appeal.


Whether you're a handyman looking for something to use around the home or you work on the land and need a major workhorse, we've got the perfect air compressor for you.